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Evaluation du site joinsherpa.com

 Généré le 30 Juin 2024 17:58

Le score est de 68/100

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sherpa° | Move freely | Travel requirements and eVisas

Longueur : 54

Parfait, votre titre contient entre 10 et 70 caractères.

We offer eVisas as an ancillary service and travel requirements for the world's largest travel providers.

Longueur : 110

Génial, votre balise META description contient entre 70 et 160 caractères.

Très mauvais. Nous n'avons pas trouvé de balise META keywords sur votre page. Utilisez ce générateur gratuit de balises META en ligne pour créer des mots-clés.
Propriétés Open Graph Bien, cette page profite des balises META Open Graph.
Propriété Contenu
type website
Niveaux de titre
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 1 8 14 4 10
  • [H1] Connect the world
  • [H2] In the news
  • [H3] From planning to booking and day of travel, be relevant at every stage of the customer lifecycle
  • [H3] Build your brand reputation as a trusted source while boosting ancillary revenues and improving the customer experience
  • [H3] You choose how to work with us.
  • [H3] “Our customers were frustrated by hard to understand immigration and consulate websites. With Sherpa, we are now able to offer our customers a seamless and hassle free travel experience all on one platform: our website.”‍ Matthias Knobloch, Condor, International Marketing Manager B2C
  • [H3] “We've had excellent feedback from our travellers as we're able to provide a single touchpoint for all visa requirements across all destinations, and use Sherpa as a trusted partner to facilitate visa purchases. Sherpa has given our customers peace of mind, addressing anxiety often associated with travel, further reduced inbound calls to our support staff, and prevented customer service issues on the ground.”‍Craig Nagy, G Adventures, Technology Director, Customer Systems
  • [H3] “Partnering with sherpa˚ gave our global travel brands the important ability to show our customers where they can travel and what to expect when they get there. Given our guest safety and wellbeing is paramount for TTC and our brands, this information is vital to our travelers, from day one, and the sherpa˚ team has exceeded our expectations in delivering an excellent way to achieve this. Through their exceptional flexibility and quick collaboration, we launched fourteen branded widgets across our portfolio of sites in under one month. I highly commend the sherpa˚ team for their commitment to service while we work together to restore consumer confidence to travel.”‍Dan Christian, Global Chief Digital Officer, TTC
  • [H3] “It’s never been more critical for everyone—from employees to travel managers—to have real-time access to international travel procedures and information. Through our partnership with sherpa°, travelers no longer have to search multiple websites or resources for the latest information on international travel restrictions. Instead, travelers can quickly learn all the pertinent requirements for international trips while they are booking on the TripActions platform.‍The product and implementation teams at sherpa° were great to work with, and most importantly, helped us meet the urgent needs of our travelers at the fast-paced development timelines they’ve come to expect.”‍Danny Finkel, Chief Travel Officer, TripActions
  • [H3] Why partner with us?
  • [H4] Trip planning
  • [H4] Trip booking
  • [H4] Check-in
  • [H4] eVisa ancillary
  • [H4] Travel requirements
  • [H4] eVisa and eTA status
  • [H4] Sherpa API
  • [H4] Embeddable Elements
  • [H4] White-label WebApp
  • [H4] Open a new ancillary revenue stream.
  • [H4] Shift the way you think about travel requirements.
  • [H4] Reduce costs
  • [H4] Manage risk
  • [H4] Grow ancillary revenue
  • [H5] Get up and running quickly with embeddable widgets, our intuitive API, or white-label WebApp.
  • [H5] Sherpa° secures SOC 2 Type 2 accreditation
  • [H5] Sherpa° powers Kiwi.com with direct eVisa applications
  • [H5] Covid Rules and Restrictions: What You Need to Do and Know to Travel the World
  • [H6] Customer Lifecycle
  • [H6] Our products
  • [H6] Our solutions
  • [H6] Enhance your experience
  • [H6] Partner with us
  • [H6] Why the world’s leading travel brands partner with us
  • [H6] Lifecycle
  • [H6] Solutions
  • [H6] Resources
  • [H6] Company
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Ratio texte/HTML Ratio : 16%

Bien, le ratio de cette page texte/HTML est supérieur à 15, mais inférieur à 25 pour cent.
Flash Parfait, aucun contenu FLASH n'a été détecté sur cette page.
Iframe Génial, il n'y a pas d'Iframes détectés sur cette page.

Réécriture d'URLs Bien. Vos liens sont optimisés!
Tiret bas dans les URLs Parfait! Aucuns soulignements détectés dans vos URLs.
Liens dans la page Nous avons trouvé un total de 23 lien(s) dont 0 lien(s) vers des fichiers

Texte d'ancre Type Juice
eVisa Ancillary Revenue Interne Passing Juice
Travel Requirements Interne Passing Juice
Health Declarations Interne Passing Juice
Licenses Interne Passing Juice
Solutions Interne Passing Juice
Contact Us Interne Passing Juice
Get a visa now Interne Passing Juice
Learn More Interne Passing Juice
Get API Access Interne Passing Juice
Get a demo Interne Passing Juice
Read our story > Interne Passing Juice
Sherpa API Externe Passing Juice
Embeddable Elements Externe Passing Juice
White-label WebApp Interne Passing Juice
Help & Support Interne Passing Juice
Newsroom Interne Passing Juice
The Logbook Interne Passing Juice
Careers Interne Passing Juice
Affiliate Terms Interne Passing Juice
Legal Center Interne Passing Juice
Cookies Policy Interne Passing Juice
Privacy Policy Interne Passing Juice
Terms & Conditions Interne Passing Juice


Nuage de mots-clefs international more ancillary all sherpa requirements customer travel customers evisa
Cohérence des mots-clefs
Mot-clef Contenu Titre Mots-clefs Description Niveaux de titre
travel 25
sherpa 15
requirements 14
customer 13
customers 10


Url Domaine : joinsherpa.com
Longueur : 14
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Validité W3C Erreurs : 1
Avertissements : 12
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