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Home - Contemplative Outreach, Ltd.

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Contemplative Outreach is a spiritual network of individuals and small faith communities committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel.

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locale en_US
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title Home - Contemplative Outreach, Ltd.
description Contemplative Outreach is a spiritual network of individuals and small faith communities committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel.
site_name Contemplative Outreach, Ltd.
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Come Closer to God Learn More Opening Minds, Opening Hearts Podcast Subscribe Home
  • [H3] Centering Prayer
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  • [H3] Voices of Grace & Gratitude: Young People, Trying to Save the World and Centering Prayer
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  • [H4] Discernment: Practicing the Holy Spirit: A 40-Day Praxis
  • [H4] God is All in All - The Evolution of the Contemplative Christian Spiritual Journey- (reprint)
  • [H4] That We May Be One - Christian Non-Duality (DVD + 18 page booklet)
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  • [H5] The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom
  • [H5] Eight-day Centering Prayer Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat
  • [H5] Intro to Centering Prayer Workshop
  • [H5] The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Half-Day Online Retreat
  • [H5] 9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat
  • [H5] Introductory Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] One-Day Centering Prayer In-person Retreat
  • [H5] Centering Prayer and Visio Divina ONLINE
  • [H5] The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom
  • [H5] Our Amazing Journey of Contemplative Prayer, Life and Growth
  • [H5] Meet God in a New Way: An Introduction to Centering Prayer
  • [H5] Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] The Way of the Heart: A Silent Wisdom Retreat
  • [H5] Quiet Day with Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina – in German language (Zoom online event)
  • [H5] Create Your Life. Write From Your Soul: A Contemplative Writing Retreat
  • [H5] Create Your Life. Write From Your Soul: A Contemplative Writing Retreat
  • [H5] Centering Prayer 5-Day Retreat
  • [H5] Living Flame 2 Program
  • [H5] God in the Equinox Welcoming Prayer - ONLINE
  • [H5] 8-Day Centering Prayer Dual Track Intensive / Post Intensive
  • [H5] Three-Centered Presence and Transformation of Consciousness: A Wisdom School with Heather Ruce
  • [H5] 9-Day Centering Prayer Intensive Retreat with Frs. Bill Sheehan and Vinny McKiernan
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
  • [H5] Meet God in a New Way: An Introduction to Centering Prayer
  • [H5] Contemplative Outreach 40th Anniversary Conference
  • [H5] Coming Full Circle: A Contemplative Enneagram Soul Journey
  • [H5] Reframing our views of God Online Half Day Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaiʻi (1st Saturday of every month)
  • [H5] A Three-Day Centering Prayer Retreat: The Hospitality of Welcome
  • [H5] Core Values of Sts. Francis and Clare: An 8-Day Dual-Track Silent Retreat
  • [H5] Abide in Me: Christian Mysticism and the Divine Indwelling - in person and online
  • [H5] Facilitator Workshop - via Zoom
  • [H5] Six Day Silent Retreat – Fall into Silence
  • [H5] 9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat
  • [H5] Welcoming Forgiveness and Centering Prayer
  • [H5] Intensive 8-day Silent Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] Enter the Silence: A 7-Day Retreat
  • [H5] Gratitude in Centering Prayer: Visio Divina ONLINE
  • [H5] Beyond Theology: The Interspiritual Wisdom of Roshis, Rebbes, and Holy Rascals - in person and online
  • [H5] Advent Retreat
  • [H5] Encountering and Deepening Into God’s Inspiration: A Lectio-Inspired Advent Day of Retreat and Practice - in person and online
  • [H5] Advent a time to immerse in Welcoming and Centering Prayer ONLINE
  • [H5] Lectio Divina and the Four Senses of Scripture
  • [H5] Centering Prayer and Guard of the Heart 3 Day Retreat
  • [H5] The Body’s Bridge to the Experience of Living in God: Exploring BioSpiritual Focusing in Context of BioSpirituality - in person and online
  • [H5] The Way of Love: An Interspiritual Convergence
  • [H5] Spirituality of the Earth: Thomas Berry's Wisdom for an Ecological Age - in person and online
  • [H5] Blessed Are the Clean of Heart: Living With Spiritual Integrity in an Age of Fragmentation - in person and online
  • [H5] The Wisdom Way of Christian Spirituality - in person and online
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Presenter Enrichment Gathering - via Zoom
  • [H5] Contemplative Outreach of Northern Nevada Silent Retreat 2025
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Presenter Formation Retreat
  • [H5] 6-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] The Enneagram and Eco-Spirituality: Self-Awareness and Contemplation Through a Nature-Based Lens - in person and online
  • [H5] Spiritual Radicals: Interspiritual Wisdom from Franciscan and Buddhist Spirituality - in person and online
  • [H5] Morning of Prayer Honolulu, Hawaii 3rd Saturdays every Month
  • [H5] The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom
  • [H5] Eight-day Centering Prayer Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat
  • [H5] Intro to Centering Prayer Workshop
  • [H5] The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Half-Day Online Retreat
  • [H5] 9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat
  • [H5] Introductory Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] One-Day Centering Prayer In-person Retreat
  • [H5] Centering Prayer and Visio Divina ONLINE
  • [H5] The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom
  • [H5] Our Amazing Journey of Contemplative Prayer, Life and Growth
  • [H5] Meet God in a New Way: An Introduction to Centering Prayer
  • [H5] Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] The Way of the Heart: A Silent Wisdom Retreat
  • [H5] Quiet Day with Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina – in German language (Zoom online event)
  • [H5] Create Your Life. Write From Your Soul: A Contemplative Writing Retreat
  • [H5] Create Your Life. Write From Your Soul: A Contemplative Writing Retreat
  • [H5] Centering Prayer 5-Day Retreat
  • [H5] Living Flame 2 Program
  • [H5] God in the Equinox Welcoming Prayer - ONLINE
  • [H5] 8-Day Centering Prayer Dual Track Intensive / Post Intensive
  • [H5] Three-Centered Presence and Transformation of Consciousness: A Wisdom School with Heather Ruce
  • [H5] 9-Day Centering Prayer Intensive Retreat with Frs. Bill Sheehan and Vinny McKiernan
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
  • [H5] Meet God in a New Way: An Introduction to Centering Prayer
  • [H5] Contemplative Outreach 40th Anniversary Conference
  • [H5] Coming Full Circle: A Contemplative Enneagram Soul Journey
  • [H5] Reframing our views of God Online Half Day Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaiʻi (1st Saturday of every month)
  • [H5] A Three-Day Centering Prayer Retreat: The Hospitality of Welcome
  • [H5] Core Values of Sts. Francis and Clare: An 8-Day Dual-Track Silent Retreat
  • [H5] Abide in Me: Christian Mysticism and the Divine Indwelling - in person and online
  • [H5] Facilitator Workshop - via Zoom
  • [H5] Six Day Silent Retreat – Fall into Silence
  • [H5] 9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat
  • [H5] Welcoming Forgiveness and Centering Prayer
  • [H5] Intensive 8-day Silent Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] Enter the Silence: A 7-Day Retreat
  • [H5] Gratitude in Centering Prayer: Visio Divina ONLINE
  • [H5] Beyond Theology: The Interspiritual Wisdom of Roshis, Rebbes, and Holy Rascals - in person and online
  • [H5] Advent Retreat
  • [H5] Encountering and Deepening Into God’s Inspiration: A Lectio-Inspired Advent Day of Retreat and Practice - in person and online
  • [H5] Advent a time to immerse in Welcoming and Centering Prayer ONLINE
  • [H5] Lectio Divina and the Four Senses of Scripture
  • [H5] Centering Prayer and Guard of the Heart 3 Day Retreat
  • [H5] The Body’s Bridge to the Experience of Living in God: Exploring BioSpiritual Focusing in Context of BioSpirituality - in person and online
  • [H5] The Way of Love: An Interspiritual Convergence
  • [H5] Spirituality of the Earth: Thomas Berry's Wisdom for an Ecological Age - in person and online
  • [H5] Blessed Are the Clean of Heart: Living With Spiritual Integrity in an Age of Fragmentation - in person and online
  • [H5] The Wisdom Way of Christian Spirituality - in person and online
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Presenter Enrichment Gathering - via Zoom
  • [H5] Contemplative Outreach of Northern Nevada Silent Retreat 2025
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Presenter Formation Retreat
  • [H5] 6-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] The Enneagram and Eco-Spirituality: Self-Awareness and Contemplation Through a Nature-Based Lens - in person and online
  • [H5] Spiritual Radicals: Interspiritual Wisdom from Franciscan and Buddhist Spirituality - in person and online
  • [H5] Morning of Prayer Honolulu, Hawaii 3rd Saturdays every Month
  • [H5] The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom
  • [H5] Eight-day Centering Prayer Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat
  • [H5] Intro to Centering Prayer Workshop
  • [H5] The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Half-Day Online Retreat
  • [H5] 9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat
  • [H5] Introductory Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] One-Day Centering Prayer In-person Retreat
  • [H5] Centering Prayer and Visio Divina ONLINE
  • [H5] The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom
  • [H5] Our Amazing Journey of Contemplative Prayer, Life and Growth
  • [H5] Meet God in a New Way: An Introduction to Centering Prayer
  • [H5] Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] The Way of the Heart: A Silent Wisdom Retreat
  • [H5] Quiet Day with Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina – in German language (Zoom online event)
  • [H5] Create Your Life. Write From Your Soul: A Contemplative Writing Retreat
  • [H5] Create Your Life. Write From Your Soul: A Contemplative Writing Retreat
  • [H5] Centering Prayer 5-Day Retreat
  • [H5] Living Flame 2 Program
  • [H5] God in the Equinox Welcoming Prayer - ONLINE
  • [H5] 8-Day Centering Prayer Dual Track Intensive / Post Intensive
  • [H5] Three-Centered Presence and Transformation of Consciousness: A Wisdom School with Heather Ruce
  • [H5] 9-Day Centering Prayer Intensive Retreat with Frs. Bill Sheehan and Vinny McKiernan
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
  • [H5] Meet God in a New Way: An Introduction to Centering Prayer
  • [H5] Contemplative Outreach 40th Anniversary Conference
  • [H5] Coming Full Circle: A Contemplative Enneagram Soul Journey
  • [H5] Reframing our views of God Online Half Day Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaiʻi (1st Saturday of every month)
  • [H5] A Three-Day Centering Prayer Retreat: The Hospitality of Welcome
  • [H5] Core Values of Sts. Francis and Clare: An 8-Day Dual-Track Silent Retreat
  • [H5] Abide in Me: Christian Mysticism and the Divine Indwelling - in person and online
  • [H5] Facilitator Workshop - via Zoom
  • [H5] Six Day Silent Retreat – Fall into Silence
  • [H5] 9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat
  • [H5] Welcoming Forgiveness and Centering Prayer
  • [H5] Intensive 8-day Silent Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] Enter the Silence: A 7-Day Retreat
  • [H5] Gratitude in Centering Prayer: Visio Divina ONLINE
  • [H5] Beyond Theology: The Interspiritual Wisdom of Roshis, Rebbes, and Holy Rascals - in person and online
  • [H5] Advent Retreat
  • [H5] Encountering and Deepening Into God’s Inspiration: A Lectio-Inspired Advent Day of Retreat and Practice - in person and online
  • [H5] Advent a time to immerse in Welcoming and Centering Prayer ONLINE
  • [H5] Lectio Divina and the Four Senses of Scripture
  • [H5] Centering Prayer and Guard of the Heart 3 Day Retreat
  • [H5] The Body’s Bridge to the Experience of Living in God: Exploring BioSpiritual Focusing in Context of BioSpirituality - in person and online
  • [H5] The Way of Love: An Interspiritual Convergence
  • [H5] Spirituality of the Earth: Thomas Berry's Wisdom for an Ecological Age - in person and online
  • [H5] Blessed Are the Clean of Heart: Living With Spiritual Integrity in an Age of Fragmentation - in person and online
  • [H5] The Wisdom Way of Christian Spirituality - in person and online
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Presenter Enrichment Gathering - via Zoom
  • [H5] Contemplative Outreach of Northern Nevada Silent Retreat 2025
  • [H5] Centering Prayer Presenter Formation Retreat
  • [H5] 6-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat
  • [H5] The Enneagram and Eco-Spirituality: Self-Awareness and Contemplation Through a Nature-Based Lens - in person and online
  • [H5] Spiritual Radicals: Interspiritual Wisdom from Franciscan and Buddhist Spirituality - in person and online
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Divine Love waits for us to give its Immense Energy an occasion to Flow. Spring 2024 campaign Interna Pasando Jugo
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Morning of Prayer Honolulu, Hawaii 3rd Saturdays every Month Interna Pasando Jugo
The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom Interna Pasando Jugo
Eight-day Centering Prayer Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Intro to Centering Prayer Workshop Interna Pasando Jugo
The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom Interna Pasando Jugo
Centering Prayer Half-Day Online Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Introductory Centering Prayer Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
One-Day Centering Prayer In-person Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Centering Prayer and Visio Divina ONLINE Interna Pasando Jugo
The Spiritual Journey Program for Young Contemplatives (weekly) - via Zoom Interna Pasando Jugo
Our Amazing Journey of Contemplative Prayer, Life and Growth Interna Pasando Jugo
Meet God in a New Way: An Introduction to Centering Prayer Interna Pasando Jugo
Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
The Way of the Heart: A Silent Wisdom Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Quiet Day with Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina – in German language (Zoom online event) Interna Pasando Jugo
Create Your Life. Write From Your Soul: A Contemplative Writing Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Create Your Life. Write From Your Soul: A Contemplative Writing Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Centering Prayer 5-Day Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Living Flame 2 Program Interna Pasando Jugo
God in the Equinox Welcoming Prayer - ONLINE Interna Pasando Jugo
8-Day Centering Prayer Dual Track Intensive / Post Intensive Interna Pasando Jugo
Three-Centered Presence and Transformation of Consciousness: A Wisdom School with Heather Ruce Interna Pasando Jugo
9-Day Centering Prayer Intensive Retreat with Frs. Bill Sheehan and Vinny McKiernan Interna Pasando Jugo
Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop Interna Pasando Jugo
Meet God in a New Way: An Introduction to Centering Prayer Interna Pasando Jugo
Contemplative Outreach 40th Anniversary Conference Interna Pasando Jugo
Coming Full Circle: A Contemplative Enneagram Soul Journey Interna Pasando Jugo
Reframing our views of God Online Half Day Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaiʻi (1st Saturday of every month) Interna Pasando Jugo
A Three-Day Centering Prayer Retreat: The Hospitality of Welcome Interna Pasando Jugo
Core Values of Sts. Francis and Clare: An 8-Day Dual-Track Silent Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Abide in Me: Christian Mysticism and the Divine Indwelling - in person and online Interna Pasando Jugo
Facilitator Workshop - via Zoom Interna Pasando Jugo
Six Day Silent Retreat – Fall into Silence Interna Pasando Jugo
9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Welcoming Forgiveness and Centering Prayer Interna Pasando Jugo
Intensive 8-day Silent Centering Prayer Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Enter the Silence: A 7-Day Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Gratitude in Centering Prayer: Visio Divina ONLINE Interna Pasando Jugo
Beyond Theology: The Interspiritual Wisdom of Roshis, Rebbes, and Holy Rascals - in person and online Interna Pasando Jugo
Advent Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
Encountering and Deepening Into God’s Inspiration: A Lectio-Inspired Advent Day of Retreat and Practice - in person and online Interna Pasando Jugo
Advent a time to immerse in Welcoming and Centering Prayer ONLINE Interna Pasando Jugo
Lectio Divina and the Four Senses of Scripture Interna Pasando Jugo
Centering Prayer and Guard of the Heart 3 Day Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
The Body’s Bridge to the Experience of Living in God: Exploring BioSpiritual Focusing in Context of BioSpirituality - in person and online Interna Pasando Jugo
The Way of Love: An Interspiritual Convergence Interna Pasando Jugo
Spirituality of the Earth: Thomas Berry's Wisdom for an Ecological Age - in person and online Interna Pasando Jugo
Blessed Are the Clean of Heart: Living With Spiritual Integrity in an Age of Fragmentation - in person and online Interna Pasando Jugo
The Wisdom Way of Christian Spirituality - in person and online Interna Pasando Jugo
Centering Prayer Presenter Enrichment Gathering - via Zoom Interna Pasando Jugo
Contemplative Outreach of Northern Nevada Silent Retreat 2025 Interna Pasando Jugo
Centering Prayer Presenter Formation Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
6-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat Interna Pasando Jugo
The Enneagram and Eco-Spirituality: Self-Awareness and Contemplation Through a Nature-Based Lens - in person and online Interna Pasando Jugo
Spiritual Radicals: Interspiritual Wisdom from Franciscan and Buddhist Spirituality - in person and online Interna Pasando Jugo
Discernment: Practicing the Holy Spirit: A 40-Day Praxis Interna Pasando Jugo
God is All in All - The Evolution of the Contemplative Christian Spiritual Journey- (reprint) Interna Pasando Jugo
That We May Be One - Christian Non-Duality (DVD + 18 page booklet) Interna Pasando Jugo
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Nube de Palabras Clave intensive west hartford prayer online sep retreat centering aug oct
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prayer 33
centering 30
retreat 23
west 18
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