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Sponsor A Child - JAAGO Foundation

Länge : 34

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With an aim to mobilize the youth to build a better nation, we have empowered more than 50,000 young changemakers from all across Bangladesh and engaged them

Länge : 157

Großartig, denn Ihre Seitenbeschreibung enthält zwischen 70 und 160 Anzahl Zeichen.

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Eigenschaft Inhalt
locale en_US
type website
title Sponsor A Child - JAAGO Foundation
description With an aim to mobilize the youth to build a better nation, we have empowered more than 50,000 young changemakers from all across Bangladesh and engaged them
site_name JAAGO Foundation
updated_time 2024-05-21T17:49:40+06:00
image:width 512
image:height 512
image:alt JAAGO Foundation Favicon
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  • [H2] Digital School Program
  • [H2] Volunteerism
  • [H2] Impact
  • [H2] Number of Unsponsored Children
  • [H2] Focus Areas
  • [H2] Education
  • [H2] Youth
  • [H2] Gender
  • [H2] Climate Change
  • [H2] Governance
  • [H2] Give a Little. Change a Lot.
  • [H2] Recent Causes
  • [H2] School Uniform
  • [H2] School Stationary
  • [H2] School Bag
  • [H2] Become a Volunteer
  • [H2] Nationwide Volunteers
  • [H2] Districts Covered
  • [H2] Projects Completed in 2023
  • [H2] Give a Little. Change a Lot.
  • [H2] News & Articles
  • [H2] Make A Donation
  • [H2] Your donation can support a child’s education
  • [H2] Sponsor A Child
  • [H2] Just $27 to support a child’s monthly education
  • [H2] Become A Volunteer
  • [H2] Join us in spreading kindness and making a positive impact as a volunteer!
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Sponsor A Child Sponsor A Child Search Search Close this search box. Home Focus Education Youth Gender Climate Change Governance Projects Current Projects Completed Projects Global Giving Projects Causes Updates Blog JAAGO in News Reports About Us JAAGO Team Awards & Recognitions Work With Us Career Become A Teacher Request for Proposal FAQ Contact Donate Menu Home Focus Education Youth Gender Climate Change Governance Projects Current Projects Completed Projects Global Giving Projects Causes Updates Blog JAAGO in News Reports About Us JAAGO Team Awards & Recognitions Work With Us Career Become A Teacher Request for Proposal FAQ Contact Donate Sponsor A Child Search Search Close this search box. 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  • [H3] From Dreams to Reality: JAAGO Student Shurma receives full scholarship at ULAB
  • [H3] The Education Scenario in Bangladesh and the Role of Child Sponsorship Programs
  • [H3] The Ripple Effect of Child Sponsorship : How Education Changed Mahmuda’s Life
  • [H3] JAAGO Foundation and Volunteer for Bangladesh Celebrates World Environment Day with “Pedal for Planet” Cycle Rally
  • [H3] The Khan Foundation supports JAAGO through its “Land for Schools Project”
  • [H3] Equipping Dreams with the Tools of Transformation: imo Bangladesh Distributes Stationery Among the Students of JAAGO
  • [H4] About Us
  • [H4] Get In Touch
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JAAGO Foundation and Volunteer for Bangladesh Celebrates World Environment Day with “Pedal for Planet” Cycle Rally intern natürliche Links
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